Metro eduroam

Why Metro eduroam?
Metro eduroam addressed the challenges faced by staff, students, and researchers who worked or studied from home during the closure of educational institutions amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Metro eduroam simply means eduroam within the city, outside the campuses of institutions. RENU introduced Metro eduroam in 2020 as a solution to the Internet connectivity challenges most RENU member institutions faced as their staff, students and researchers worked or studied from home, during the closure of education institutions which was a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. RENU did this by extending eduroam to over 300 spots in different areas in Kampala, Mukono and Entebbe
(view eduroam map).
Click here to see the eduroam spots closest to you.
Initially, eduroam was at the institutions’ campuses, but with the COVID-19 pandemic, the campuses were closed, and students, lecturers and staff could no longer access their usual secure wireless connectivity. The idea of Metro eduroam is to bring free and secure wireless Internet closer to the users to support remote learning.

Metro eduroam Impact
We have helped millions of students reach their academic potential through our RENU network.