Why Cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is crucial because of the increasing online activity in member institutions. Our services ensure members operate securely in the hostile cyber environment.
RENU offers various cybersecurity services including Incident Handling, Application Filtering as a Service, Spam Filtering as a Service, and Cybersecurity Audits among others.
The RENU-Computer Emergency Response Team (RENU-CERT), is a group of cybersecurity experts who are there to help our members operate securely in this hostile cyber environment.
Visit the CERT site to find out more.
The purpose of the RENU-CERT is to provide a secure environment for collaboration among Uganda’s research and education institutions, as well as provide an effective and efficient response to their computer security incidents. RENU CERT is a sub-section of the RENU Technical team at the RENU Secretariat, and it is affiliated with the sectorial CERT; UG-CERT (UCC) and the national CERT; CERT.UG/CC (NITA-U).
Cybersecurity Impact
We co-ordinate and assist research and education institutions to implement proactive strategies to reduce the risk and limit the damage of computer security incidents.