RENU services that focus directly on the academic community.

Anti-plagiarism Software
Turnitin is a worldwide pioneer in evaluating work from researchers and learners, and hence very good for institutions to maintain academic integrity.

Moodle LMS
The Learning Management System (LMS) allows institutional administrators to create, organize, and manage various types of learning materials.

LoRaWAN connectivity is a wireless communication technology that allows LoRa- capable devices to communicate over large distances with minimal battery and bandwidth usage.

Zero-rated Mobile Access
Students and staff from our member institutions don't need to load data bundles to access their websites, e-learning portals and all sites in the RENU domain.

Web Conferencing
RENU offers web conferencing as a service to enable education and research institutions to hold meetings, conferences, seminars and virtual classes wherever.

RENU Identity Federation (RIF)
RIF provides a simple avenue for users from research and education institutions to securely and reliably access and share resources locally and globally.

eduroam provides simple, easy, secure connectivity from thousands of hotspots across more than 100 countries.

Metro eduroam
Metro eduroam simply means eduroam within the city, outside the campuses of institutions.

eduroam on the Go
eduroam on the Go is a pocket-size routing device specially made to enable researchers and university staff connect to eduroam and the Internet Anytime, Anywhere.